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AGREEMENT NUMBER - VS/2020/0101 Expanding and Improving Workplace Democracy as a Prerequisite for Humanising Labour and the Work Environment – DIRECT II


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On 27th May 2022, a hybrid Seminar was run at SGH (Warsaw School of Economics) and online, having been organised at the initiative of SGH’s Department of Public Policy, within the framework of the DIRECT II European Research Project. The meeting was devoted to the psychosocial threats at work, even as the wider discussion related to a background concerning efforts to achieve high work productivity in Poland.

There were 41 Seminar participants in the building, plus a further 42 taking part online. The proceedings were divided into two Panel Discussions – at which Panellists represented employers and trade unions, or else were experts and/or academics. Interventions from the mainly sought to diagnose the situation, with the invited guests offering insights as to the legal situation; the available Polish results of research into psychosocial threats (inter alia stress, burnout, mobbing and bullying, violence and harassment); and the conclusions arising out of discussions on opportunities and threats at the place of work which have been held both in Poland and abroad.

Trade unionists Paulina Barańska (Solidarność) and Renata Górna (OPZZ) were joined by employers’ representative Paweł Fogt (Związek Przedsiębiorców i Pracodawców) and Anna Sikorska (of the educational initiative Koalicja Bezpieczni w Pracy – the ”Safe at Work” Coalition) in presenting the results of many of the aforementioned studies. The last few years have seen at least one or two multi-stranded research projects pursued, with these now allowing some generalisations to be offered. Unfortunately, the situation has to be seen as unfavourable for a large number of reasons. Burnout can be seen to be affecting both managers and rank-and-file workers, while a considerable proportion of all employees appear to be performing their tasks in circumstances of intensive and protracted stress. Mobbing and bullying are also assuming serious proportions. And work is making it clear how both productivity and efficiency at work are suffering as a result.

Experts Michał Drozdek and Mik Kuczkiewicz offered the meeting the benefits of their experience, and their reflections, pointing out just how significant it was for a good atmosphere at the place of work to be developed, if further economic development is to be maintained.

For his part, Marek Tarnowski presented the WinWinBalance IT system operating in support of both managers and their subordinates when it comes to the effective organisation of work at both business entities and public institutions. It makes possible the kind of shaping of inter-personal relations that can potentially reduce levels of both stress and uncertainty. This reflects the system’s facilitation of communication internally, and its safeguarding of transparency of relations between employees and their bosses. In essence, WinWinBalance provides for the daily logging of events at different posts and positions held, with information  exchanged (via potentially constant two-way feedback), activity on the part of employees registered (not least “bright ideas” arrived at), and in fact a constant stream of information provided on how people are taking on and tackling assigned tasks. This also denotes circulation of key information between different tiers of management at a firm or given enterprise.

“Kształtowanie dobrego klimatu w miejscach pracy w obliczu zagrożeń psychospołecznych. Walka o wysoką produktywność polskiej pracy”

27.05.2022 SGH Warszawa


10.00 – 10.30 – rejestracja, kawa

10.30 – 12.15 – I panel: Pokonywanie zagrożeń psychospołecznych w miejscu pracy (stres, wypalenie, mobbing, przemoc, nękanie)

Eksperci i ekspertki: Paulina Barańska, pełnomocniczka ds. BHP Komisji Krajowej NSZZ Solidarność; Renata Górna, OPZZ; Michał Drozdek, ekspert; Mik Kuczkiewicz, b. prezes Grupy Hay Poland

12.15 – 12.30 – przerwa kawowa

12.30 – 14.00 – II panel: Budowanie pozytywnego klimatu w zakładzie pracy dla osiągania wyższej produktywności i satysfakcji życiowej. Czy pomogą technologie teleinformatyczne?

Eksperci i ekspertki: Marek Tarnowski, wiceprezes Brad Consulting; Paweł Fogt, Związek Przedsiębiorców i Pracodawców; Anna Sikorska, ekspertka Koalicji Bezpieczni w Pracy, dyrektor HR w firmie PW Krystian

14.00 – 14.30 – dyskusja

14.30 – lunch