Workpackage 1: Establishment of process and practice for successful project management
Start: 1.02.2020
End: 1.02.2020
Objectives and approach
The project steering committee (PSC) and the Project Research Team (PRT) will be established during the kick-off meeting. They will comprise of one representative from each co-applicant organizations. The PSC will be responsible for the overall management of the central activities and tasks, key decision making and project coordination. The PRT will be responsible for the overall management of the central activities and tasks, key decision making and project coordination. PSC and PRT will comprise of one representative from each co-beneficiary organization – CITUB, FDV, IDEAS, SEK, 1 Mayo, KRIB and SGH.
Proposed activities
7 PSC meetings with the participation of PRT – during the PSC meetings representative from the Associated organizations – BIA and RHUL; the external expert Kevin P. O’Kelly will also take part. During the kick-off meeting the PSC will provide a scheme of work and distribution of tasks (work packages). The PSC will produce a detailed schedule of work and be responsible for quality and time management. The PSC will present dissemination and mainstreaming plan and a strategy for risk management; It will implement continuous and final evaluation; prepare all necessary implementation and financial reports; organize the venues, participants, speakers, etc. for the various events, organize the participation of medias for the different events, organize publications and visibility of the project, develop the project leaflet; coordinate the online platform.
Organized and carried-out 7 PSC meetings; established and coordinated PSC and PRT; signed Internal Cooperation Agreements; developed detailed project planning, communication and dissemination strategy; coordinated and implemented project activities; defined financial regulations and rules, establishment and elaboration of a continuous control, monitoring and reporting systems, evaluated and monitored project; prepared interim and final implementation and financial reports; project leaflet; maintained and coordinated web-site and network.
Workpackage 2: Carrying out research in each partner country on the links between direct participation and other forms of employee participation and representation, in the context of their direct influence on humanising the work environment, improving skills and workplace welfare, improving work satisfaction and worker motivation, including the impact of new technologies
Start: 1.03.2020
End: 1.03.2021
Objectives and approach
With regard to the proposed methodology the project will examine direct participation in two business sectors (one services sector and one manufacturing sector) through an agreed survey questionnaire, followed by an agreed number of interviews with management and employee representatives in a number of enterprises operating in these business sectors in the participating EU Member States. Also a number of workers in some of the enterprises would be interviewed as part of the national case studies. Only enterprises in which all or a substantial percentage of the workforce is unionised will be investigated, one important aspect of the project will be the attitude and support (or opposition) of trade unions to direct participation. As direct participation is very often introduced through negotiations, there is evidence that it is enhanced by the presence of trade unions within the enterprise.
Proposed activities
The research will be undertaken in three stages:
Stage 1 will consist of desk research on the links between direct participation and other forms of employee participation and representation, in the context of their direct influence on humanising the work environment, improving skills and workplace welfare, improving work satisfaction and worker motivation, including the impact of new technologies in the six countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain).
Stage 2 will consist of interviews (from 5 to 10) with selected respondents from the social partners and other organisations who may be key stakeholders in employee participation (e.g. national trade union officials, branch officials and shop stewards, employers’ associations, public policy experts etc.).
Stage 3 will consist of case studies of selected companies.
Three frameworks for the three stages will be elaborated by the PRT.
Analytic Framework for the 3 stages; Developed questionnaires and instructions for interviews; Carried out research by each partner (collected figures and data according the analytic framework for the three stages)
Workpackage 3: Development of six National Reports
Start: 1.03.2021
End: 1.6.2021
Objectives and approach
Documentation of all the finding from the 3 stages research into structured national reports. The PRT will define the content and structure of the National report and send clear instructions to the co-beneficiaries.
Proposed activities
During this work package each co-beneficiary should document the results of the carried out research, in a National Report. All National Reports should be translated into English. They also should be made available on the web-site of the project in their national languages and English.
Framework structure and content of the national reports developed by PRT; Written, translated into English and published on the website of the project 6 National Reports.
Workpackage 4: Organising and carrying out of six National Workshops (one in each co-applicant country) for discussion, exchange of experience, capacity building in terms of knowledge and skills related on the specifics of direct participation and its links with worker representatives (including the trade union representation)
Start: 1.5.2021
End: 30.08.2021
Objectives and approach
Organizing 6 one day National Workshops for discussion, exchange of experience and capacity building in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Italy, Ireland, Poland and Spain. The National Workshop in Bulgaria will be organized jointly by CITUB and KRIB and supported by the associate organization BIA.
Proposed activities
Defining the topics, agenda and the participants should be decided by every co-beneficiary. These items should be in line with the aims, objectives and research findings of the project. Every co-beneficiary is supposed to have 1 days’ workshop with a minimum number of participants - 25.
Carried out 3 European Round Tables
Reports of the European Round Tables, conclusions and recommendations for each country published on the web-site of the project
Workpackage 5: Carrying out three European Round Tables involving the project team and external experts, representing national and European social partners, managers, employers and academics for discussions on the role of direct participation in the context of its social dimensions at national and transnational levels, as it relates to the introduction of new technologies;
Start: 1.06.2020
End: 20.12.2020
Objectives and approach
Organizing and carrying out 3 European Round Tables (one-day events following the second, third and fourth SC meeting) for discussion and exchange of experience with all stakeholders in the field of Information, Consultation and Workers’ participation from the hosting country and Europe, in general.
Proposed activities
The PSC should discuss and define the topics of the three European Round Tables, define the Agenda, presentations, participants, speakers, etc. and together with the hosting organization should settle down all the organizational issues like venue, dates, participants, financial issues, etc.
According the proposed budget some external experts could attend the European Round Tables.
The topics of the three European Round Tables could be changed or modified in the course of the implementation of the project and their venues and dates will be decided during the kick-off meeting. According the detailed work program the first European Round Tables is scheduled for May in Rome, the second is scheduled for September in Madrid and the third is scheduled for December in Dublin. For these events a life streaming will be organized and in this way the project could reach and be disseminated among all interested stakeholders.
Carried out 6 National workshops; Reports of the workshops, conclusions and recommendations for each country which are made available on the web-site of the project.
Workpackage 6. Developing a Comparative Report and a ‘Handbook of Good Practice Guidelines’ to assist management and employee representatives to smoothly facilitate the introduction of new technologies based on the data analysis and research;
Start: 1.06.2021
End: 30.10.2021
Objectives and approach
The objectives of this WP will be to compare the results of the national studies in a consolidated European Comparative Report with conclusions and recommendations and to develop a Handbook of Good Practice Guidelines’ to assist management and employee representatives to smoothly facilitate the introduction of new technologies based on the data analysis and research.
Proposed activities
On the basis of National reports, the conclusions and results from the carried out six National workshops and the three European Round Tables, Ekaterina Ribarova (PRT leader) with Kevin P. O’Kelly and all co-beneficiaries will summarize the results and make a comparative analysis of the national researches and define conclusions and recommendations for each country and for EU in general. During that stage some materials/analysis developed by Eurofound, ETUC (ETUI), and other research institutes and universities could be used. The research team will also develop a Handbook of Good Practice Guidelines
The Comparative Report should be published in 1400 copies and its content will be about 100 pages. Handbook of Good Practice Guidelines will be 25 pages (500 copies). CITUB will be responsible for the layout (design) of the books and also for its publishing and dissemination. The books will be written in English and translated in BG/GR/IT/ES/PL and made available on the website of the project.
Developed and published European Comparative Report (translated versions of the comparative report in BG/GR/IT/ES/PL, available on the website of the project)
Developed and published Handbook of Good Practice Guidelines (translated versions of the Handbook in BG/GR/IT/ES/PL, available on the website of the project)
Workpackage 7: Organizing and carrying out a Final International Conference on Direct participation in Europe
Start: 01.08.2021
End: 20.12.2021
Objectives and approach
The objective of this WP will be to present and disseminate the outcomes of the project to a broad audience and to make conclusions and recommendations in order to promote direct participation practices and positive outcomes for social development and economic effects in the partner countries and other EU countries;
Proposed activities
One of the main events of the project is a two days’ Final International Conference in Sofia/Bulgaria. CITUB supported by the PSC will organize the Conference – each co-beneficiary can invite some participants from their country. Also some experts from different institutions will be invited to make contributions. The PSC will define the Agenda of the Conference, the speakers, the content, interpretation, etc. All the details regarding the conference will be discussed during the sixth project meeting and decided by all partners.
The Final International Conference according the work program is scheduled for December 2021 in Bulgaria.
Carried out Final International Conference; Sustainable and enlarged network of stakeholders in the sphere of information, consultation and workers’ participation.
Workpackage 8: Dissemination and mainstreaming activities including elaboration of project logo, creation of a project web-site, project leaflets
Start: 15.02.2020
End: 1.02.2022
Objectives and approach
The objective of this WP will be to present and disseminate the outcomes of the project, to present and share the good practice examples, to distribute all the materials developed during the life-time of the project.
Proposed activities
- Developing and maintaining of a project website
- Elaboration and publishing of leaflets and info materials for the project
- Dissemination of the results of the project by each beneficiary during different events of the respective organizations;
- Filled-in participant feed-backs/evaluation forms at every event organized in the context of the project
- Different publications and articles in trade union magazines/newspapers
- Dissemination, mainstreaming and evaluation plan
- Website of the project
- Leaflets and info materials
- Evaluation forms
- Articles and publications related to the project