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AGREEMENT NUMBER - VS/2020/0101 Expanding and Improving Workplace Democracy as a Prerequisite for Humanising Labour and the Work Environment – DIRECT II


Our Projects



Agenda of the Third SC meeting of the project

15 December 2020





Welcome and opening of the meeting

Ina Atanasova


Presentations of the second stage of the research (sectors, organizations, how many interviews are carried on so far or planned, etc.0    
Representative of each co-beneficiary organization (approx. 15 min each)

13.45 Some conclusions, observations and recommendations for the second stage interviews M. Gold, E. Ribarova and Kevin P. O’Kelly
14.15 Draft guidelines for the content of the National Reports  Kevin P. O’Kelly


Planning the next stages of the project, financial issues

Ina Atanasova

15.30 End of the meeting